Tech Tricks means technology tips. In details, we can say that the new knowledge about technology. We all know that the present era is the collection new tech. Day by day new new technology is coming and user applies these in their real life. We all administrator have appeared here to inform people to create a new something applying new technology. To help user, we have launched TECHIE SOLUTION.
TECHIE SOLUTION is an online web serving institution which helps user to solve any tech problem. It is founded in 2012 to help computer users worldwide. Its headquarter is only Bangladesh. It is established only in Bangladesh but it serves people world wide. We all administrator here are Engineer professionally. To help new user and make third world countries people expert in Technology. We strongly pledge that we create such an environment here so that any user can learn topics easily. We describe each and every content so easily that any user can realize.
Here, we have created a department “Live Chat ” where any user can communicate with our administrator live in a definite time. We also share a contact information here.
Available Materials on Techie Blog:
This blog is maintained strictly by the administrator. It is a collection of observation about hardware solution, software solution and development, mobile technology, blogging tricks and daily based technology. We deliver recent and informative content here which will be helpful for the user. We also have created helping center. We have arranged a different training program in a different time and at a time we also call competition. We believe that more reliable and unique are more likeable to the user and we go ahead on this way.
TECHIE SOLUTION helps computer user to:
# Quickly solves any hardware problem.
# Find the unique solution of any problem.
# Help to direct a computer.
# Details about technology tools.
# Provide windows support.
# Provide training programs.
Our destination:
Our destiny is to touch the sky so that we create a new planet named tech. We want to be the greatest in the blogging market and provide required tech - solutions which necessity is felt by the people all over the world today and tomorrow. So we have arisen our helping hand for the user each and every time. If any user feels problem reading our article, he or she can contact with us by live doctor. Please be restricted to use unsocialized words.
About Admin Panel:
Skill: C+ programming, C++ programming, HTML, CSS, MYSQL, Javascript, Joomla, Wordpress
Experience: Two years working in a software firm and developed many websites.
Skill: HTML, CSS, SEO, SEM, SMM, Design, MS-office, Capital Market, Graphics Design.
Experience: Two years working as freelancing and developed many websites.
Local Address:
Email: .
Skype ID: techiesolution, Gtalk: techtricks611
Helpline: +8801737-610892, +8801735966248.
Chatulbazar, kanaighat, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
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